Departmental Award Recipients

Each year, LAS departments and programs select their own recipients for the LAS departmental alumni awards. The following is a list of the previous five years of departmental awards. Congratulations to all recipients!

YearRecipient NameAward NameDegrees
2018Hunt, CharlesDepartment of Computer Science Alumni Award’92 Computer Science
2018Stanek, SeanDepartment of Computer Science Young Alumni Award’02 Computer Science, M.S. ’07 Computer Science, PhD ’12 Computer Science
2018McPhail, JosephDepartment of Economics Outstanding Young Alumni Award’07 Agricultural Business and Economics (AGLS), M.S. '08 Economics
2018Dominick, AndreaDepartment of English Alumni Award’94 English, M.A. '97 English
2018Sisson, KiraDepartment of Mathematics Young Alumni Award’03 Mathematics, M.S. '05 Statistics
2018Nebbe, CharityDepartment of Political Science Alumni Achievement Award’96 Political Science
2018Tubbs, WilliamGreenlee School of Journalism and Communication James W. Schwartz Award’71 Agricultural Journalism
2018Henderson, TyDepartment of World Languages and Cultures Alumni Award’97 Finance and International Studies, '98 Spanish
2019Wang, Sue-LeinDepartment of Chemistry Outstanding Alumni AwardPhD '85 Physical Chemistry
2019Chopra, GaganDepartment of Computer Science Distinguished Alumni Award’91 Computer Science, M.S. '93 Computer Science
2019Schulte, TroyDepartment of Economics Outstanding Alumni Award (joint with History)’92 History, '’94 Economics
2019Sander, JeffryDepartment of Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology Distinguished Alumni Award’04 Computer Science, PhD '08 Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
2019Fast, JeromeDepartment of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award’85 Meteorology and Mathematics, M.S. '87 Earth Science
2019Schulte, TroyDepartment of History Outstanding Alumni Award (joint with History)’85 History, '94 Economics
2019Johnson, WilliamDepartment of Mathematics Distinguished Alumni AwardPhD '69 Mathematics
2019McDonald, AdamDepartment of Music and Theatre Music Distinguished Alumni Award’05 Music
2019Kahn, EleanorDepartment of Music and Theatre Theatre Distinguished Alumni Award’08 Architecture-Professional Degree and Performing Arts
2019Krull, MichaelDepartment of Political Science Outstanding Alumni Achievement AwardM.A. '00 Political Science
2019Ortiz, LauraDepartment of World Languages and Cultures Distinguished Alumni Award ’91 Spanish
2019Guthrie, KimGreenlee School of Journalism and Communication James W. Schwartz Award’84 Journalism and Mass Communication
2020No Awards due to COVID-19
2021Pearson, KarenDepartment of Chemistry Outstanding Alumni AwardPhD '97 Inorganic Chemistry
2021Davidson, KathleenDepartment of Computer Science Distinguished Alumni Award’73 Computer Science
2021Gross, KayDepartment of Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Distinguished Alumni Award’75 Biology
2021Summers, SamDepartment of Economics Distinguished Service for the Public Good ’06 Economics, ’06 Marketing
2021Morrison, DavidDepartment of Genetics, Development, and Cell Biology Distinguished Alumni Award’10 Genetics, International Studies and Political Science
2021Lisko, BreeaDepartment of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award’00 Meteorology
2021Effland, AnneDepartment of History Distinguished Alumni AwardPhD '91 Agricultural History and Rural Studies
2021Gibson, DebraGreenlee School of Journalism and Communication James W. Schwartz Award’81 Environment Family Services and Home Economics Journalism
2021Pennings, Tim Department of Mathematics Distinguished Alumni AwardPhD '87 Mathematics
2021Pickrell, Greg Department of Physics and Astronomy Alumni Award’73 Physics
2021Liepa, DianneDepartment of Political Science Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award’71 Political Science; M.S. ’75
2021Brooks, BrianDepartment of Psychology Distinguished Alumni Award’01 Psychology; PhD ’04 Psychology and Neuroscience
2021Leonard, JesseDepartment of World Languages and Cultures Alumni Award’14 Mechanical Engineering , ’14 German
2022Carlson, GerryDepartment of Biochemistry, Biophysics, and Molecular Biology Distinguished Alumni AwardPhD ’85 BBMB/Biochemistry
2022Emmerson, TomJames W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and Communication’60 Journalism (Science & Technical), M.S. ’63 GS JC/History
2022Forsmark, TonyDistinguished Alumni Award (Theatre)’02 Theatre/Performing Arts
2022Boyd, KandisDistinguished Alumni Award (Meteorology)’96. Meteorology, M.S. ’98 GE AT/Meteorology, and Water Resources
2022Wiederin, DanOutstanding Alumni Award (Chemistry)PhD ’91 Chemistry/Analytical Chemistry
2022Goodman, MatthewDistinguished Alumni Award (Political Science)’97 Political Science
2022Grenier, AaronDistinguished Alumni Award (World Languages & Cultures)’97 Journalism and Mass Communication and Anthropology, M.A. ’03 WLC/Anthropology
2022Porto, JenniferDistinguished Alumni Award (Music)’00 Music
2023Jeyapalan-Noone, ManjulaRoy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology Distinguished Alumni Award’91 Biochemistry
2023Lin, JibingDepartment of Chemistry Outstanding Alumni AwardPhD ’95 Chemistry and Organic Chemistry
2023Purdy, BrockCommunication Studies Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Young Alumni’21 Communication Studies
2023Balakrishnan, KarthikDepartment of Computer Science Distinguished Alumni AwardM.S. ’93 Computer Science, PhD ’98 Computer Science
2023Harris, DuaneDepartment of Economics Outstanding Alumni Award (Distinguished Service to Private Enterprise)’66 Industrial Administration, M.S. ’68 Economics
2023Richey, BobbyDepartment of Economics Outstanding Alumni AwardM.S. ’86 Economics (AGLS)
2023Harris, ShannonDepartment of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology Outstanding Alumni Award’95 Zoology
2023Mores, SteveJames W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and Communication’67 Journalism (Science & Technical)
2023Mores, AlanJames W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and Communication’80 Journalism and Mass Communication
2023Chidley, MarkDepartment of History Distinguished Alumnus Award’89 History and International Studies
2023Jean, ScottDepartment of Mathematics Distinguished Alumni Award’93 Mathematics
2023Harding, KenDepartment of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences Distinguished Alumni Award’86 Meteorology
2023Scharff, JenDepartment of Physics and Astronomy Outstanding Alumni Award’98 Physics
2023Holcombe, JohnDepartment of Political Science Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award’88 Political Science and Economics
2023McGuire, BrendaDepartment of Psychology Distinguished Alumni Award’94 Psychology and Interdisciplinary Studies
2023Hunt, BarbaraDepartment of Statistics Alumni Achievement Award’89 Statistics, M.S. ’91 Statistics
2023Jones II, AJDepartment of World Languages and Cultures Distinguished Alumni Award’99 Anthropology, ’99 Sociology
2024Cyr, AnthonyRoy J. Carver Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Molecular Biology Distinguished Alumni Award’06 Biochemistry
2024Applegate, JacquelineDepartment of Chemistry Outstanding Alumni AwardPhD '92 Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
2024Krull, AllysonCommunication Studies Program Outstanding Achievement by a Young Alumni Award’08 Communication Studies
2024Jacobson, ShaneCommunication Studies Program Outstanding Alumni Award’03 Communication Studies, MED '08 Education
2024Namineni, SrinivasaDepartment of Computer Science Distinguished Alumni Award’91 Computer Science
2024Buresh, MichaelDepartment of the Earth, Atmosphere, and Climate Distinguished Alumni Award - Geology’87 Earth Science
2024Rancourt, KennethDepartment of the Earth, Atmosphere, and Climate Distinguished Alumni Award - Meteorology’72 Meteorology
2024Harmon, LukeDepartment of Ecology, Evolution and Organismal Biology Distinguished Alumni Award’98 Zoology
2024Elkin, RandylDepartment of Economics Distinguished Alumni in Economics Award’65 Economics, PhD '71 Economics
2024Stewart, MarlaDepartment of English Distinguished Alumni Award’73 English, MS '75 Education
2024Duchman, StanleyDepartment of Genetics, Development and Cell Biology Outstanding Alumni Award’87 Biology
2024Coon, StephenGreenlee School of Journalism and Communication James W. Schwartz Award for Distinguished Service to Journalism and CommunicationMS '70 Journalism & Mass Communication (Ag)
2024Engel, TilmanDepartment of History Distinguished Alumni Award’90 History
2024Kongable, ScottDepartment of Mathematics Distinguished Alumni Award’89 Mathematics, Statistics
2024Wilder, MichaelDepartment of Music and Theatre Distinguished Alumni Award’77 Music
2024Weaver, JohnDepartment of Physics and Astronomy Outstanding Alumni AwardPhD '73 Physics
2024McAdams, KevinDepartment of Political Science Outstanding Alumni Award’93 Political Science
2024Sanger, ToddDepartment of Statistics Distinguished Alumni AwardMS '91 Statistics, PhD '92 Statistics
2024Reber, AngelaDepartment of World Languages and Cultures Distinguished Alumni Award’01 Political Science, Russian Studies